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Benefit Concert, Castelnuovo Scrivia, Dec 6th

Castelnuovo Scrivia (Alessandria) friday 6 Dec. 9.00 p.m. Musical event, Comune di Castelnuovo Scrivia and Patricola together in favor of breast cancer research (Associazione Franca Cassola Pasquali), in the frame of the parish church S.S Pietro e Paolo in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. The evening will be filmed and published…

TMEA 2025

TMEA 2025 will be held in San Antonio, TX from February 12 to 15. Held at the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention Exhibit Show features over 1,500 booths from music instrument manufacturers, retailers, fundraising, travel companies, colleges, and more. Make immediate onsite sales,…

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